MiGrowth is a specialist recruitment business, which utilises our own pre-assessment software to provide hiring managers with job relevant data.
MiGrowth is a specialist recruitment business which sources and assesses candidates across the UK, and Europe. Our team has over 50 years combined recruitment experience, in sourcing and assessing commercial talent for Sales, Marketing, and Technical roles within the Technology, FMCG, New Media, Business Product and Services, and Learning and Development sectors.
In addition to sourcing talent like any other traditional recruitment firm, at MiGrowth, we utilise our MiAssessment software to pre-assess candidates prior to interview. The tests that we conduct are centred on cognitive ability, integrity, job fit, and culture fit, thus giving an incredible insight as to the suitability of that candidate for your advertised role.
Having worked within the recruitment industry for many years, the founders of MiGrowth were frustrated by the ill-informed, and often ineffective, hiring decisions they had witnessed by many organisations. Exploring the reasons for this, it became clear that not only were businesses making hiring decisions on the wrong data, they often had very little relevant information to go on. Therefore, decisions were often made around the rhetoric of “we really liked them” or “there was just something about them”.
Despite the numerous studies into how we can accurately predict future job performance, recruitment for the best part hasn’t changed for hundreds of years. Non-quantifiable hiring decisions are still made, based on a desire to hire people like ourselves or people we feel we will get along with. Needless to say, this not only limits inclusions but promotes discrimination too.
Therefore, in forming MiGrowth, we wanted to develop a service that helped businesses look at people differently. To do this, we not only provide the expertise of our team, which have over 50 years of combined recruitment experience, but also FREE use of our MiAssessment software, to aid our partners to hire the best possible candidate for the role, whilst giving all applicants a fair opportunity when being assessed.
Don't forget that the most detailed information about MiGrowth in Birmingham you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓